Detail map of Bezirk Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Overview map of Bezirk Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

A: Bezirk Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

The Hamburg Temple Publishes the First Prayer Book of Reform Judaism


Reform Judaism originated in Germany in the early nineteenth century in response to the Haskalah Jewish Enlightenment movement, which advocated more secularization and closer assimilation into European culture. The first Jewish Reform temple, known as the Hamburg Temple (Israelitischer Tempel), opened in Hamburg in 1818. It soon revised the daily prayer book, adding prayers and sermons in German, and choral singing with organ accompaniment. In 1819 it published its first prayer book: Ordnung der öffentlichen Andacht für die Sabbath-und Festtage des ganzen Jahres. Nach dem Gebrauche des Neuen-Tempel-Vereins in Hamburg. Herausgegeben von S[eckel]. I[ssac]. Fränkel und M[eyer]. I[srael] Bresselau. Hamburg: Die Herausgeber, 5579, (1819). The new prayer book combined abbreviated Hebrew prayers and parallel German translations, reflecting the spirit of the newly created Reform faction. 

The Hamburg Temple was closed by the Nazis after Kristallnacht in November, 1938.

Reeve (ed.) Sacred. Books of the Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam (2007) 48.


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