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A: Athina, Greece

More than 10,000 Stone Inscriptions Were Excavated from the Ancient Agora of Athens

600 BCE to 267 CE
The book published in 1966 on inscriptions excavated from the Agora referred to 7000 inscriptions that had been excavated by that date.

The book published in 1966 on inscriptions excavated from the Agora referred to 7000 inscriptions that had been excavated by that date.

During twentieth century excavations of the Ancient Agora of Athens more than 10,000 stone inscriptions were identified and inventoried. The texts included diplomatic agreements, commemorative plaques for athletic victories, records of court judgments, boundary stones identifying different buildings, and fragmentary inscriptions featuring names of over 30,000 individual Athenians. That so many inscriptions on stone survived in this single location was significant in itself; another aspect was that so many inscriptions remained to be excavated from one of the world's most famous places. 

Thompson & Wycherley, The Agora of Athens: The History, Shape, and Uses of an Ancient City Center (1972).

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