Detail map of AAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina Overview map of AAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina

A: AAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina

A Telegram Sent from London to the Master of the S.S. Moscha Goulandris in Buenos Aires

Western Telegram form to Master of the S.S. Moscha Goulandris in Buenos Aires
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons
The Western Telegraph Company was formed in 1898 as a merger between the Western and Brazilian Telegraph Co. and the Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Co. This very brief telegram stating only "remitted 24000" was sent from London to the "master" of the Greek steamship Moscha Goulandris in the San Nicolás district of Buenos Aires in 1939. The Argentinian telegram form states that The Western Telegraph Company was a division of the British firm Cable & Wireless, as the companies had merged under the Cable & Wireless umbrella in 1929. The telegram form is distinctive for its map of the undersea cables used by Cable & Wireless around the world, including link-ups with Imperial & International Communications Ltd, then a division of Cable & Wireless, and Western Union. 

In 1941 the S.S. "Moscha Goulandris" was attacked and damaged by German aircraft during the German invasion of Greece. She was beached, bombed again, and sunk off Chalcis, Greece.

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