I'Illustration upper cover of first issue
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons

First issue of L'Illustration. Note the striking resemblance between the Paris masthead of this newspaper /magazine and that of The Illustrated London News, on which it is modeled.

Young & Delcambre machine in I'Illustration

During 1843 the Young & Delcambre typesetting machine received a lot of publicity in England, France, and Germany because of the the publications in which it was employed. In this article it is compared with the machine of Captain Rosenborg, applications of which have been very difficult to identify.

Rosenborg machine in L'Illustration

Like the Young & Delcambre machine, Rosenborg emphasized that his typesetting and distributing machines could be operated by women, thus saving their owners significant amounts of money on labor. 

Detail map of Paris, Île-de-France, France Overview map of Paris, Île-de-France, France

A: Paris, Île-de-France, France

Emulating "The Illustrated London News", Édouard Charton Publishes "L'Illustration, Journal Universelle"

L'Illusration advertisement
Creative Commons LicenseJeremy Norman Collection of Images - Creative Commons

This is an advertisement for L'Illustration probably prepared by an illustrator for the magazine specially for Hector Bossange's 1845 catalogue. The magazine was only in its second or third year of publication, and it presumably wanted to assist Bossange in building up its circulation. The image appeared on an early page of the magazine in a section devoted to illustrated books, reproducing sample images from many books.

On March 4, 1843, 10 months after the launching of The Illustrated London News, Parisian publisher Edouard Charton, who had previously launched Magasin Pittoresque in emulation of The Penny Magazine, launched L'Illustration, Journal UniverselleThe design of the masthead and the overall format of L'Illustration followed The Illustrated London News very closely.

Timeline Themes

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